Friday, April 13, 2012

(random and chaotic) friday thoughts

Happy Friday everyone! Don't you just love this quote? It's like Kate Spade knows ME, like deep down to my core! Voracious reader? Check. Fantastic dancer? Check, in my humble opinion at least. Haha! Saves old scrapbooks? Duh. Loses her umbrella? Well, as I matter of fact, I did lose my umbrella on a date a while back. Rats. That reminds me I need a new umbrella. I need to start buying those things in bulk.

Anyway, here are some of the things filling my Katy brain this fine Friday:

1. This video. Have you seen it? My sister told me about it and I keep singing bits and pieces of it. Probably shouldn't do that in public, though. :S Don't drink that, don't drink that racist coffee!

2. I bit the bullet and bought a new hand mixer. This one to be exact. I've decided to call it The Green Machine from here on out so please don't be confused when I use that reference in the future. First test for The Green Machine? These cookies. Can't wait!

3. I am obsessing over the previews for The Lucky One. Anyone else? Also, I feel slightly like a pedophile every time I drool over Zac Efron. Damn you and your sexy, sexy self, Zac Efron! Oh, never mind, I just Googled his age and he's only a year younger than me. Sweet. Carry on, Zac Efron.

4. So I've decided to get back on the horse and do a little online dating. Let the shenanigans ensue. My dating life tends to make for some hilarious anecdotes. If y'all would be interested, I was thinking I might post about my follies (and potential successes!) in dating. If nothing else, I'm sure it will be good for a chuckle or two.

5. My mission for this weekend is to catch up on my grading so if anybody needs me I'll be at Starbucks overdosing on iced coffees. Mmmmk, thanks.

Happy weekend, y'all!


  1. Happy Friday Katy!!! I have been wanting to see the lucky one too!!! It's one of my favorite Nicholas sparks books!!! It's sooooo good!!! Glad your back in business with your new green machine!!! :-) ttys

  2. Happy Friday the 13th!! Those cookies look amazing- have to add them to my list to make right behind the cinnamon muffins. I am a fan of the green mixer. Kinda jealous, actually. I have only middle age white appliances. So sad. Get to that grading now. Talk soon. Betty
