Monday, April 23, 2012

reduce, reuse, recycle: garden stand

Happy belated Earth Day people! Today's post is in the spirit of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle...

This is the tale of an awkward little table that aspired to be something more than an awkward little table. A table that knew it had the potential to do great things. A table that wanted to move out of it's dark corner into a place in the spotlight.

The table above has had a long life. It was originally part of a display at Bath & Body Works. Then, it became my old roommates TV stand. She was ready to trash the thing during a move when I stepped in and adopted it. Since I've had it, it's been a jewelry stand but it had potential to be so much more.

So, recently I made a Home Depot run and picked up a couple pieces of plywood, some L-brackets, and a can of white spray paint. An hour later this guy had a new lease on life as my new garden stand! This awkward table is moving up in the world!

My previous forays into gardening have been met with failure after failure. Last year, I acquired some heirloom tomato plants as well as some basil. Both died before June due to the freakish Kansas heat. This year, however, armed with a climate controlled apartment and mild Rhode Island weather, I'm adamant that my thumb will finally become green.

I decided to start with a simple herb garden. Baby steps, people. Plus, herbs are something I use in my cooking all the time so having a constant fresh supply is pretty ideal. Here's the layout, from left to right: chives, cilantro, and rosemary. My most recent addition is a basil plant (below) and I have intentions to plant some mint next to the chives as soon as I can find some. 

So, keep your fingers crossed for my little herb garden. If it thrives...or at least survives...I have big plans for pesto, fresh salsa, mojitos, and more! Stay tuned...and go recycle something! :)


  1. I'm confused by this table...before you added a bottom to it, how did it work before? It looks like a frame of a table but no top.? Lol
    Anyways, looks great! Very cute. I'm inspired by you...I want to plant some indoor plants as well.:-)

    1. There used to be a piece of glass on the top. It was just a weird table from the beginning. :/ Glad you like it! Go plant something! Haha!

  2. Thanks for clearing that up for me :-) p.s. can you mail me a mojito? :-)
