Friday, April 6, 2012

better things ahead

Love this quote. Love this picture. Love this whole frame of mind. Why am I posting this image today? Well, my friends, today I leave something behind. Something that has been a part of me. A constant companion of sorts. But I can assure you that there are far, far better things ahead. Today I look forward with hope and faith to the future.

What am I talking about so cryptically? Well, I'm glad you asked. Today I say good bye to my $&@*#! hand mixer. Yes, that's right. My $10 Wal-Mart hand mixer has finally kicked the bucket. Fittingly, the sorry thing died smack dab in the middle of a ending that truly represents the antagonistic relationship that has always existed between me and my mixer. A mixer that only had one speed, "High." A mixer that flung batter all over me and my kitchen every time I used it. A mixer that just...sucked.

So today I say farewell to that demon mixer and look forward to far, far better...mixers. :)

Today just so happens to be my half birthday so I just might have to surprise myself with a brand new birthday mixer! Any advice? I'm leaning towards the Cuisinart below but I'm open to suggestions!

Cuisinart 5-Speed Hand Mixer in Green $39.95

Other than my mixer purchase, I'm hoping for a fairly low-key weekend after last weekend's conference and subsequent lack of sleep. Hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing Easter weekend!

P.S. Look for a special Easter blog post this Sunday. My fab friend Shan will be guest posting. Yay!


  1. Yes! I have this hand mixer (only in the stainless steel) and I love it! Works great!! -man

  2. I think this would be a mixer that would give you good relationship balance. Green would be a good spring color and since it is Easter weekend, a spring vibe is good. Mix on girl!!

  3. Looks like the green Cuisinart it is! Making this happen TODAY!

  4. Haha I read that quote and the paragraph below and thought Gizmo had finally kicked the bucket. -kris
