Friday, March 23, 2012

deep, dark confessions plus a movie review

I have a few confessions to make today. I feel the overwhelming urge to purge my guilty soul and I only hope that you will not judge me too harshly. But, if you do, I totally get it.

Confession #1: I maybe kinda sorta watched Twilight last night. I know, I know. Let me explain. Exhausted after several days of non-stop work, mentally and physically spent, I flopped myself down on the couch and switched on the tube. Typically, I'd tune in to something educational and fulfilling like The Office or House Hunters. However, fate intervened when, lo and behold, there it was. Twilight. Opening credits still rolling. And so I skeptically thought to myself "let's see what all the hype is about." (insert eyebrow raise and skeptical chuckle here)

Which leads me to my next confession...

Confession #2: I could not stop watching it! I was sucked in. It sucked me in the same way that a trashy harlequin romance novel sucks me in. Or the way Jersey Shore sucks me in. You've all been there, right? You're watching and you already know what's coming. You predicted the ending within the first five minutes. You know that you should stop watching because it's turning your mind to mush. But you just can't. I don't know why. It's some kind of evil power. I somehow need to harness that power, that hypnotic, can't change the channel power, and use it for good.

However, with my soul now cleansed and laid bare, my little Katy brain has to nitpick a bit. It's what I do!

So here's the thing with Twilight. You know how there are websites that point out movie bloopers? Like, "in minute 37 of such-and-such film, you'll notice that the coffee cup is all of a sudden facing the opposite direction." Well, did any of you notice the blooper in Twilight? When I tell you, you're going to feel so silly for not noticing!

Ok, here it is. If you look closely though out most of the scenes, you'll notice that they forgot the dialogue! How did the producers let that one slip by? Sheesh!

But jokes aside, thinking about the young girls watching this movie and obsessing over this movie is slightly frightening to me. I don't want to whip out my feminist theory on y'all, but...yikes. That's a whole mess o' issues I don't have the time or energy to get into now. I'll just say that this movie is gonna give some gender studies student a grand dissertation someday.

Okay, I feel as though I've done enough confessing for one day. I'm glad that's off my chest!

Oh, one more thing...

Confession #3: I made cookies and ate four in one day. Ugh. I'll post the recipe next week so that you can all bake cookies and eat four in one day and watch Twilight and be filled with self-loathing, too. Misery loves company!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Kinda like going to confession!! Need to bake some cookies soon. Looking forward to that post for a new recipe! Love ya LOTS!!! Betty

  2. I have a deeper and darker confession: I cried at the end of it. I'm not proud. Lol

  3. oh Man, you are so funny!! So fun to hang out with you and KT last Friday and Saturday!!!
