Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Picture Frame Wall

Picture Frame Wall
As some of you may know, I moved halfway across the country last August, from Kansas to Rhode Island. Adjusting to East Coast life has been interesting to say the least. Some things I've learning:

1. In Rhode Island, you'll see signs for "package stores." All common sense would lead one to believe that these stores would be something like UPS stores, no? Guess again! Package store = liquor store. Why? I haven't the slightest. I've yet to see a "package" for sale. Mainly they just sell liquor. Odd.

2. Speed limits are mostly a joke around these parts. If you are driving less than 15 mph over the speed limit, you're probably going to be the subject of some serious road rage. Probably from an old, grey-haired lady who will tailgate you, cut you off, and then flip you off. (That may or may not have happened to me during the first week I lived here.) I've learned to just go with the flow.

3. On a similar note, if someone gives you attitude, generally the best response is to sass them right back. Never apologize. It's a survival strategy...East Coast folks can smell fear.

4. Everything here is old. The trees are huge and ancient, the roads are narrow and windy, and the houses were built waaay back when.

My apartment, for example, has original hardwood floors, tons of windows, and awesome crown molding. However, it also has creaky floorboards, lights that aren't connected to light switches, and a layout that could only be described as...unique.

One particular challenge has been decorating my living room wall...a wall with a light switch smack dab in the middle of it. That little tiny light switch has been the bane of my existence for months now. However, recently I was cleaning out my study and found a box of old picture frames I had collected from flea markets last summer. Duh!

Light Switch Art
They had already been primed and were just waiting for the right color. I finally settled on a metallic gold spray paint and a few short hours later they were on my wall. The picture really doesn't do these babies justice. The gold color looks awesome with all the intricate detailing on the frames. And, you'll notice that one is framing that pesky light switch. Now that switch is a piece of art! :)

Now that I've solved this light switch debacle, I'm on the hunt for more frames to add to my collection. I'd love to add a few more to the wall.

The "Before"
Hopefully I'll be bringing you pictures of my latest project very soon. Until then, I'll leave you with a quick shot of the "before." Yikes!

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