Tuesday, March 13, 2012

DIY Statement Necklace

Bling Bling
Typically my DIY efforts are pretty focused on home decor. However, this weekend I decided to do a little Katy decor, too. I found this necklace tutorial on Pinterest (surprise, surprise) and the whole process could not have been easier. From start to finish, this necklace took me less than an hour and most of that was drying time. Plus, purchasing a big statement necklace like this at a boutique would cost you a pretty penny!

Here's the cast of characters. From left to right, chunky gold chain, necklace findings (including clasps and jump rings), and large faceted teardrop beads. Both the chain and necklace findings are from Joann and cost me roughly $6 total. Joann also had large teardrop beads for $3 a piece. However, I found mine right up the road from my parent's house at Haverhill Antiques. They set me back 75 cents a piece. Not too shabby! I bought enough supplies for two necklaces and all told each necklace ended up costing me $6.75. I don't know about you but I'm loving that price!

Old Nail Polish
Here's the fun part of this project. You get to customize the beads with your choice of colors! I dug through my old basket of nail polish and found an assortment of pinks, reds, and oranges; however, I'd like to do another in blues, greens, and turquoises. Use your imagination with this part. You'll also need a clear coat to protect the color from chips.

The Finished Product!
Once the beads are painted and dry, attach them to your necklace chain using jump rings. The polished side of the beads should go to the back. The color of the polish will shine through, giving the impression that the bead itself is tinted.

And...that's it! That's the whole shebang! Easiest. Craft. Ever. I'm already planning my next necklace. You can play around with chains, colors, bead shapes, everything. Now go forth and create!

1. Lay beads out on newspaper and paint one side of each bead with nail polish. You may need to do multiple coats depending on the polish.

2. Finish with clear coat and let dry.

3. Trim chain to desired length and add clasp to ends.

4. Place jump rings on necklace. I spaced mine out approximately every four links, but play around with it depending on your chain and desired look.

5. Attach beads to jump rings with polished side to the back. Admire your handywork!

Source: Made By Girl

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