Monday, February 13, 2012

Shadow Box Makeovers

The "Before" Picture
Ever since I moved into my apartment last August, I've been slowly but surely decorating and redecorating to make it my "dream" apartment. It's been a sloooow process, particularly so considering my busy schedule and less-than-ideal decorating budget. I've had to get a little creative and bust out my DIY on this beeyatch. Not that I'm complaining...seeing it all come together is so fun!

One of my latest projects has been decorating my study and I thought the shadow boxes above were just asking for a makeover. I had picked up these shadow boxes on sale at Michael's last November and with a few cheap ornaments, bows, and scrapbook paper, they made for some cute and easy holiday decorations. However, the time had come for them to fulfill their true decorating destiny.

Travel Mementos
Recently, I was cleaning out my study closet and found a whole box of vacation mementos. The hoarder part of my psyche (that I clearly inherited from my dear ol' dad) wouldn't let me throw this stuff away...but it seemed like a waste to let it collect dust in a box. Time for a craft day!

NYC Shadow Box
One quick trip to Michael's for some scrapbook paper, alphabet stickers, and silver paint and I was ready to go! After sifting through masses of ticket stubs, maps, and other odds and ends, I decided to divvy up the shadow boxes to New York, Napa Valley/San Francisco, and Chicago.

Napa Valley/San Francisco Shadow Box
It took a bit of arranging and rearranging and rearranging again but, despite that, these shadow boxes came together quite quickly. Once I had glued down all my mementos, I brushed the frames with a few coats of silver paint and...voila!

Chicago Shadow Box
 These beauties are destined for my study...once I get some actual furniture in there! I can't wait for everything to start coming together. My chaise is set to arrive February 24th and I'm determined that I'll make it up to IKEA for my bookshelf by next weekend! (Hopefully.)

Vacation Shadow Boxes
I hope you like the finished product. I'm so happy with them! Next project...reupholstering a chair for my living room. I'll post pictures as soon as I can. In the mean time, I think I might need to look into getting a tetanus shot. Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. really like the frames painted silver! ALOT!!
