Friday, February 17, 2012

New Lamp and New Paint

I've been doing a whole lot o' painting lately so I thought this quote was particularly appropriate this week! I am fairly convinced that a coat of paint can work miracles and solve most of the world's problems. OK, that may be a bit of an exaggeration but not by much. :)

Next week, I'll share some of my recent painting and DIY projects. However, in the mean time, I have a query for you all. Yesterday, I made a run to Target for a few essentials and somehow wound up in the lamp section. How did that happen???

I've recently been on a quest for lamps. I'm in desperate need of lighting for both my office and bedroom but cute lighting can get a bit pricey. Yesterday at Target was my lucky day, though! I found an adorable oval-shaped chrome lamp that would look perfect in my office and at $20 it was definitely in my price range.

But then, I saw the exact same lamp in black MARKED DOWN TO $5.98!!! Chrome lamp was subsequently forgotten and black lamp is now mine. A black lamp may not match my office decorating plans but, like I said before, a coat of paint can solve all problems.

Gotta love those orange clearance stickers at Target!

I had originally envisioned this lamp in silver but now I'm debating whether a pretty royal blue might be more fun. So, what do you think? Silver lamp? Blue lamp? Something else I haven't even thought of yet? I'd love to hear your opinion.

Leave some feedback and I'll present the finished product next week. In the meantime, have a wonderful and safe weekend! Go paint something!


  1. Yeah, blue would match your nautical theme. You could do a random POP of bright yellow, green, etc. Either way, it will be cute!!!! -shannon

  2. I think the blue would be fun. The POP of color, especially bright yellow (I DO love the yellows) is a good idea, too.
