Friday, May 25, 2012

lazy days

Happy Friday people! This week I've fully embraced a summertime mindset. I've been doing all the things I normally don't have time for and actually appreciating my downtime. This may not sound like a big deal to many of you...but for me it's a revelation. As a gal who revels in schedules, free time has ever been my enemy. I'm changing that this summer lazy day at a time.

So now that my Katy brain is devoid of all things writing and rhetoric, here are some things now filling my noggin and making me oh-so-happy:

1. Sorry mom, but I am obsessed with the Fifty Shades of Grey series. I know, I know. It's total smut. Complete trash. Whatevs. It's my summer read. Do it.

2. J. Crew is having a Memorial Day sale all weekend. This could be trouble for my checkbook. So I wanted to share the temptation with you. You're welcome. Go get 'em.

3. I finally, finally saw Midnight in Paris the other night. Sooo good! Oh goodness, so good. I geeked out slightly over the literature references...but even the average non-lit geek would also enjoy. Definitely recommend you all watch it this weekend!

4. Cucumber water! I've been chugging cucumber water like nobody's business lately. Half a cuke, sliced into a pitcher o' water. That's it! So easy and so refreshing. Cucumber water is going to be my official summer staple.

5. I've been lucky enough to eat some seriously amazing food lately. Boston is filled with restaurants that will knock your tube socks off. However, despite all this fantastic food, one dish in particular has remained prominently at the forefront of my brain. The Banana Stuffed French Toast from Zaftigs Deli. Oh. Em. Gee. I don't know how they make this stuff but I had to suppress the desire to slather it all over my body...right there in the restaurant. It's just that good. My mission is to recreate it...and this seems like a good place to start.

Okay, with that, I will leave you to your fun-filled Memorial Day weekends. Have fun, be safe, make some boozy drinks, and, most of all, relax!

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