Thursday, May 24, 2012

day dizzy drinks

carolina peach sangria
Memorial Day is coming up this weekend! In honor of the holiday well as the proceeding three months of summa time, I thought I'd bring you some delicious adult beverages. You know, in case you were planning on getting a little day dizzy...or evening dizzy or night dizzy.

Nothing says summer like fruit and booze combined in a glass. It's like they have a long standing and recurring summer fling...and I'm totally okay with that. Last summer I declared to be Sangria Summer. And that was pretty fantastic. I can't even remember how many versions of sangria I made (and downed) during long days by the pool with friends. Although, I do have one word of warning: chopping fruit for sangria after already imbibing is a bad idea. Trust. Your poor little fingers will thank you!

This summer, I'm all about the sangria once again. However, Pinterest has recently opened my eyes to all the fruity cocktails I've been missing out on for so long. Mint juleps, mojitos, margaritas, daiquiris. I mean, we've all tried many of these drinks in their most basic form. But now, thanks to the power of Pinterest, I could potentially make a different version of a mojito for every single day of summer. And that doesn't sound like a bad idea to me! Ah, the wonder of technology. What would I do without it?

So, I've listed some of my top picks for summa time drinking here today. These drinks are at the top of my list for summer parties, BBQs, and days at the beach. You'll find links to each recipe in the picture captions. Click, mix, and booze!

pineapple sangria
blackberry mint julep
watermelon lemonade slushie
peach lemonade coolers
Okay, is your mouth watering yet? Let's all celebrate the fruit/booze summer time love affair. Enjoy!

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