Friday, June 1, 2012

on faith and mimosas

Well, it's been one helluva week in my world. Change is the magic word lately. Some change created by me. Some change forced upon me quite unexpectedly. Some exciting change. Some change that, well, sucks. But, if there's one thing I've learned over the past year and all its tumultuousness, it's that this too shall pass.

So, while I ride out this period of craziness in my life, I'm taking the advice of the wise Miss Waldorf and choosing to have a little faith that the pieces will fall where they should. And, if all else fails, I've got a whole Pinterest board chock full of boozy drinks to make the craziness a little more bearable.

Five current events occupying my brain space as of late:

1. I'm moving! Yes, that's right people, after a year of living all by myself like a big girl, I'm moving in with a roommate closer to the beach. My life right now consists of boxes and newspaper and bubble wrap. And my apartment? Well, it's a disaster scene. But I'm okay with that for the time being. I'm embracing the chaos.

2. Can we all just take a moment and ponder this face-eating character in Miami and all say a collective "what the eff"?!? There are no words. Just...what the eff?!? That must have been a helluva I would NOT like to experience.

3. In other crazy person news, perhaps we should also take a moment to ponder the Crane Guy at SMU. While Crane Guy's antics were eclipsed by Face-Eating Guy's, well, face-eating, he still had the cojones to take over a crane, vomit inside of it, and spray WD-40 all over the platform in a misguided attempt to thwart the police. (sigh) What is this world coming to?

4. I had my first celebrity sighting in Rhode Island the other day. Yes, that's right, a celeb sighting in Narragansett, RI. I even took a picture. See if you can tell who it is. (Hint: The celeb is on the far right of this photo. Also, check out the car.) Any guesses?

It's Guy Fieri filming an episode of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives for Food Network! They were filming at Aunt Carrie's, a seafood restaurant on the very southern tip of Rhode Island. I will admit that I geeked out a little over the whole thing. Whatevs. It was exciting!

5. This is not a current event...but my obsession with iced coffee has reached a frightening level. I guess I'm now officially a Rhode Islander. Why is iced coffee such a New England thang? I mean, I know iced coffee exists throughout the country, but nowhere as prominently as here. I'd venture to say that iced coffee is more popular than regular coffee in New England, which is weird cause it's cold here. Duh. I just don't understand it...but I am embracing it. In fact, I think I'm going to attempt to make my own iced coffee in an attempt to be more economical this summer. This recipe is going to happen ASAP.

Well, that's all for this week, folks. I'll be packing my life away this weekend. But a gal still needs to I'll be back next week with more recipes as usual. Have a good Friday!

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