Wednesday, October 3, 2012

investigating h&m

red blazer $39.95
So I recently discovered H&M. I know, I know, I'm totally out of the fashion loop. But I've just never had one close by. :(

That's all changed now thanks to my good best friend Shan. I can always count on her for fashion knowledge. She informed me, promptly upon arriving in the baby state, that an H&M had opened in Rhode Island and that we MUST go. Whaaa? How could I not know? A quick Google search later and I learned that I live within 25 miles of not one, but TWO new H&M stores. Gahh! I've been such a fool! Thank my lucky stars that Shan has set me on the right path.

For those of you who have yet to experience shopping at H&M, let me just start by saying this: it's overwhelming with a capital O. Good overwhelming, but overwhelming nonetheless. A word of warning...don't expect to be there for less than an hour if you want to do the store justice and please please please for the love of all that is good and holy, do NOT bring a screaming toddler. I may be scarred for life.

Nevertheless, screaming toddles aside, I persevered and ended up with some awesome purchases. Let's start with the blazer above. The picture does not do this one justice. It's an orangey-red flame color, fits like a glove, and the material definitely looks much pricier than the $40 price tag. This is maybe my favorite purchase of the day. It will work equally well paired with a pencil skirt and blouse for teaching or skinny jeans, heels, and a cute top for a night out. Solid find.
chiffon blouse $24.95
Next, this gorgeous chiffon blouse. I've been on the hunt for blouses lately and this one is so versatile. It's loose-fitted and drapey and it will layer nicely this winter under blazers, sweater vests, and my fur vest. A perfect essential.

gold bangles $5.95
Here's the thing about H&M. You think you're done. And then you see the accessories. I mean, how can you turn down a HUGE set of gold bangles for less than $6? The answer is you can't. You just can't. Gotta get 'em.
spike necklace $12.95
And, finally, a statement necklace that I couldn't pass up. This bad boy is a little out of my style comfort zone, but I am currently experiencing a slight love affair with spikes. I don't know what that says about me, but whatever. I can't wait to wear this necklace out on the town.

So, there you have it, my favorite H&M finds. Considering the massive stack of clothes on my arm and multiple trips to the dressing rooms, I feel like I did pretty good picking out some functional pieces for my wardrobe. And the prices? Amazing. 'Nuff said.

If you have an H&M nearby, I highly suggest scoping it out. You won't regret it...although your wallet might. ;)

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