Friday, October 5, 2012

best friends, bbq, and birthday

So this is always a good policy, but the reason I post this quote today is because tomorrow actually IS my birthday! I won't tell you how old I'm going to be because a lady never tells. Many of you know anyway and, for those who don't, I'm somewhere between a teenager and an old woman. Probably a little of both.

Some birthday week thoughts:

1. I am in Kansas City this weekend for the American Royal BBQ competition. My dear ol' dad is competing and I am so excited to cheer him on...and maybe serve as official taste tester. You know, if he needs me. I'm thoughtful like that.

2. So now that it's October, I am officially in pumpkin overdrive. I eat/drink at least one pumpkin-flavored thing every single day. Is that overkill? Maybe. But if it's wrong then I don't wanna be right.

3. Anybody watch the presidential debate Wednesday night? If so, perhaps you may have noticed the excruciating look on Romney's face the entire time. What was that? Like a combo of "I'm uncomfortable," "I wanna bitch slap you so hard," and "you're an idiot"? Whatever it was, I couldn't even look at him without grimacing. That look alone may have cemented my vote this November. Yikes.

4. In other equally important news, the blind auditions for The Voice are over and I am so freaking pumped for competition rounds. Also, I am madly in love with the Blake Shelton/Adam Levine dynamic. Also, I'm just madly in love with Blake Shelton and Adam Levine.

5. This weekend I will be reunited with all my best friends after months apart. I'm seriously so pumped I can't even handle it. Better pack your party pants ladies!

Clearly, I am distracted by my big trip home. I'm not even going to attempt to be witty or charming or whatever today. Nope. Instead, I'm going to go enjoy my weekend. Hope you have a great one too! If you are in the KC area, hope to see you out at the Royal. Go Roughnecks BBQ!

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