Friday, November 2, 2012

frankenstorm recap

Happy Friday! There are no words to describe this past week of life. I tried. I wracked my brain for adequate adjectives and there simply are none. But a picture is worth a thousand words, right? So these pictures should make up for my lack of eloquence this fine Friday.

Here's my week in a list:

1. Frankenstorm. Hurricane Sandy. Whatever you wanna call her, she was a baaaad beeyatch. The pictures above and below are from Narragansett Beach Monday afternoon as the storm descended on the Baby State. This is the second hurricane I've lived through in the past year and they still make me a big ol' scaredy cat. Roommate and I stocked up on candles, canned soup, and bottled water last weekend and as of Monday afternoon we were holed up at home, waiting for Frankenstorm to hit. And boy did it hit. Luckily, we had minor damage and never lost power. However, southern Rhode Island was hit hard and many are still without power as we speak. Sandy was no joke, y'all.

2. Anyone else ready for this election to be over with already? It may be the fact that I'm currently taking a class in which we analyze the Presidential election season; however, I feel like I can't swing a dang cat without hitting a politician. Enough Obama. Enough Romney. Let's just vote and be done with it already, am I right?

3. Many of my friends and family know my alter ego, the Breakfast Nazi. I am a stickler when it comes to eating breakfast. Never miss it. Coffee and a muffin every morning as I'm out the door. However, last weekend that breakfast above happened. My arteries are most likely clogged forever...and that's fine. It was totally worth it. Big breakfasts for President!

4. I'm slightly obsessed with apple thangs this week. You'll see. Next week, you'll see. These are next on my list.

5. Check out my new earrings from my sister friend. Love, love, love them! I've been wanting these earrings for MONTHS. No lie, months. Guess my birthday is officially over now. Boo.

6. This is my new official to-do list for the next several weeks. Holidays. I'm ready for ya. Bring it on.

Welp, that's all for this week. I'll be spending the weekend grading papers and passing out candy on our "take two" Halloween, sans Hurricane Sandy. I need to get this candy out of my house immediately. Have a fabulous weekend!

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