Tuesday, January 1, 2013

resolution time

It's resolution time, y'all. Do you make New Year's resolutions? It seems like most people love 'em or hate 'em. I don't get it. What's to dislike? A new year, a fresh start, and a chance to better yourself. Nobody's perfect, right? So why not make some solid steps towards becoming a better and/or more well-rounded person in 2013?

Every year, I try to make three resolutions. In the past I've typically made a work/school resolution, a health/fitness resolution, and a resolution pertaining to my personal relationships. This year I'm busting out of those specific categories, but I'm still keeping the magic number three. Three is doable for me...as long as I remember what my resolutions are! So, to hold myself more accountable this year, I'm documenting my resolutions here for the world to see.

1. Be more thoughtful and conscientious in maintaining my relationships with friends and loved ones. This is my top priority resolution because I know it's where I am the most lacking. Unfortunately, the craziness of life often distracts me from calling/texting/emailing/video chatting my friends and family back home and meeting up with friends nearby as often as I should. That all changes in 2013! My goal is weekly quality time with all my favorite people, whether that's in the form of a phone call, a cup of coffee, or whatever, I'm going to be a better daughter, sister, and friend.

2. Create a budget for myself and stick to it. As a student and TA, money is not exactly flowing. However, I always make it work. This year I'd like to do more than just make it work, though. I'd like to make a detailed budget, complete with money set aside for future expenses I have in mind. This is gonna be a tough one for me...especially considering my love of shopping. Oy gevalt.

3. Be more efficient in all that I do. I have a pretty intense Pinterest/online shopping/crap TV habit that aids me in procrastinating anything and everything I need to do. This spring is my last semester of coursework and I'd like to go out with a bang, just dominating my classes, my teaching, and the graduate conference I've been working to plan. To do that, though, I need to kick my procrastination habit in the booty. This semester, I'm imposing a strict schedule on myself. That way I can enjoy my down time that much more, not stressing about school when I should be spending quality time with loved ones...this one will also help with #1 hopefully!

Okay, so that's my big three. What are your resolutions?

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