Thursday, January 10, 2013

every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man

It's been pointed out to me that I haven't done a fashion post in a long while. That's true. But here's what...I haven't posted about fashion because nothing has really caught my eye lately. I dunno. I mean, I've done my fair share of shopping lately. But I've mainly been stocking up on the basics: jeans, dress pants, sweaters, cardigans, boots. Nothing shocking or edgy.

In fact, lately all I have really been interested in is...wait for's fashion. Gasp! What? Surely that must be a mistake? But no, it's true. I am fascinated by men's clothing lately. Not in the sense that I want to pull a Diane Keaton and throw on a tie. Just in the sense that I really want to dress a man. Any man. All men. Show me a dude and I'll outfit him. I even made a Pinterest board about it. That's how you know I'm serious about this.

So I thought I might start doing some men's fashion posts? Trends I like, outfit suggestions, shopping advice, etc. Nothing better than a well-dressed man. Am I right? :)

1 comment:

  1. Tell me about navy blue pants paired with brown versus black shoes
