Monday, December 31, 2012

nye sparkle

Happy New Year's Eve! 2012 was a helluva year, eh? Lots of changes, mostly for the better. I started this little blog, survived two more semesters of grad school, spent lots of time with family and friends, and had no lack of eventfulness in my love life. Plus the world didn't end, so that's pretty neat. All in all, I'd say 2012 was a success. Let's hope for an even better 2013.

Any big plans for this evening? Are you going to a big, fancy shindig? The kind where you pay a cover to get in, schmooze with party people, and maybe kiss a random stranger at midnight. Or are you doing something more low key? Good friends, some games, and plenty of good food. Or maybe you're opting out altogether? Sweatpants, take out, and a movie...that sounds pretty good, too. In fact, that sounds pretty dang appealing after the rush of the holidays.

I'll be doing my usual New Year's Eve thang. Me, some good friends, some beer Olympics, lots of snacks, and plenty of booze.

No matter your plans I thought I'd provide some New Year's Eve outfit suggestions. There's always a lot of pressure to have the perfect outfit for the big night. My solution no matter the occasion? Sequins. You can't go wrong when your outfit is bedazzled. Trust.

Sparkles Galore:
source: small shop studio
source: polyvore
source: la dolce vita
source: polyvore
Subtle Sparkle:
source: shopbop
source: prep-tacular
source: kate spade
source: gal meets glam

Be brave. I'll be rocking a sequined mini skirt this evening. Wear something you wouldn't normally. Have a fun and save New Year's Eve. I'll see you on the flip side!

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