Tuesday, January 31, 2012

DIY: Quote Canvases

Love this Oscar Wilde quote, displayed with some pretty flea market bottles.
As my profile states, I am a single gal living the independent life. That sounds very Sex in the City of me. The reality is slightly less glamorous than the Carrie Bradshaw-esque life we all daydream of having. My closet doesn't even hold a candle to Carrie's infamous walk-through. My friends don't fit into the Charlotte, Samantha, Miranda stereotypes (despite hour-long debates to decide who most resembles each character). And I've never dated a "Big," although here's hoping!

Despite my somewhat more humble apartment and lifestyle, each day presents a new adventure or challenge...from learning to fix a blown fuse due to excessive blow drying to changing my own oil (or finding a nice man willing to do it for me, as the case may be). However, perhaps my favorite aspect of living on my own for the first time is decorating my apartment exactly how I want it. The decorating process has been a slow one for me as I tackle one room at a time. This semester I've finally gotten around to my study. My ultimate goal is to create a relaxing environment suited to long evenings of work, school, blogging, and most likely Pinteresting.

This project is the first of several to contribute to my office makeover. The idea originally came from Pinterest (of course!) but after several long hours at Joann's and multiple changes to the original concept, my crafting buddy and I came up with a super easy and affordable idea to liven up any room.

Supplies: a canvas, spray paint, alphabet stickers

1. Get a canvas (choose whatever size works for your room)
2. In a well-ventilated area spray paint the canvas the color of your choice, keeping in mind that you may need multiple coats (I did one in a deep brown and one in a royal blue)
3. While your canvas is drying, decide what quote you'll be using
3. Once dry, lay out the alphabet stickers to check your spacing and then affix stickers to canvas
4. Voila! That's it! Easy as pie, no?

My first attempt, will eventually hang in my office. 
My second canvas, hanging in my bedroom.

If you want to be happy...then be. So wise!
 Hope you enjoy this project. It's the perfect project to add you own touch to. Play with canvas sizes, colors, stickers with different fonts, sizes, or colors, etc. Enjoy and happy crafting!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Welcome to Sprinkles and Champagne!

Welcome to the inaugural post of Sprinkles and Champagne! This blog is my creative outlet, my downtime from work, grad school, and everything else. I'll post everything from delicious recipes and simple DIY crafts to fashion inspiration and fabulous products I love. Basically, everything that makes my single girl life just a little more fabulous. I hope you enjoy!